Frequently ask question?

Quick answers to questions you might have? Can’t find answers to what you are looking for contact our customer care.

How can I earn extra income on Trafull?

Every traveler (with or without car) can earn money on Trafull; Drivers with a car can earn money by offering empty seat(s) on their car whenever they are travelling between two cities. While travelers without a car are allowed to pick up packages for intercity package-senders and earn money after delivery

Why does Trafull need my NIN/BVN/SSN?

In order for us to ascertain unique identities, and provide security for all users on our platform, we utilize each user's National Identification Number, or Bank Verification Number or Social Security Number to verify such things as names and contact details. Trafull however, does not keep such details. Also, Trafull does not make requests for users’ BVN details outside the platform. This is in order to also weed out scammers and ensure that everyone can be tracked in security related cases.

Is there insurance for my goods on trafull?

Trafull offers a GIT insurance for ever Packages that is sent on the platform. Terms and conditions however apply. Do check our T&Cs to be well aware.

As a Traveler carrying packages, how do I deal with contraband?

Kindly be aware that YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to check all packages and be confident of their content before accepting them. Package privacy is not exclusive to the sender.

How much does Trafull pay Package Carriers, travelers & Drivers?

Prices for delivery of a package is set by the Package Sender but Trafull charges a commission of 10% service fee on every listed offer - this helps Trafull run smoothly and provide consistent customer service. While Travel Prices are set by the driver and if the stated price is convenient for the traveler, he will book on the platform (for the full price); Trafull also includes 10% of this price as a service/operations fee; You’ll get your payments a maximum of 12 hours after the journey. On weekends, you'll get your money within 1-2 working days. You should make sure you've added your bank account details from your dashboard

Can we pay in cash?

No, cash payments are not allowed for traveling, and packages because Trafull can only manage the trip when it is booked and paid for on the platform. We intend to increase user security and reduce threats/ falling victims of scammers by allowing payment on the platform alone and booking cannot be done until payment is made, but transfer can be done from the travelers account to the escrow account. No user can hold Trafull liable for any scam activity on transactions that were made by cash

Where is the money paid by the package sender or traveler while the package carrier or driver is fulfilling their part of the deal?

The money paid by the package sender or traveler is kept in an escrow account. Although it will reflect in their wallet but they can’t be paid till the service recipient confirms achievement of the required service.

What is an escrow account and why does Trafull keep users’ transaction fee there?

Escrow refers to a third party that holds transaction money on behalf of the two parties (traveler/driver and package-sender/package-carrier). It provides protection for the travelers and package senders money while assuring the driver and package carrier that the money has been paid by the payer.

As a driver, Must I put in my car description?

Adding important car details like colour, model helps your passengers to get a feel of what the driving experience would look like. It also helps them to easily recognize your ride at the pick-up point. Passengers also would not trust drivers whose information are incomplete on the platform. But you are mandated to hide your plate number on the uploaded pictures of your car while you input it in the form, that way your anonymousness can be ensured.

If I can’t reach my driver, what should I do?

Here’s what you can do: Firstly, cross check to see you've got the right contact on your Trafull dashboard. Then check your email or SMS when your booking was made. If you've tried this method and there’s no success, send a message to the support team or to your driver 1 hour ahead of departure time. You can also go to your departure point if your time is running out. All other issues will be handled by our support team at Trafull.

What happens when the driver cancels the ride?

You'll get a full refund of your money.

How available is customer service?

Customer service is available 24/7. And customers are therefore allowed to make inquiries anytime

How secure are the packages sent?

Every carrier is pre-registered on Trafull and we have confirmed their profile and performed different security checks, therefore they are verified.